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Securing Tomorrow: The Impact of Transparent Communication in Estate Planning

Family discussing estate planning, highlighting open communication in end-of-life decisions and asset distribution

At Hunsberger Dunn LLP, our team of attorneys recognizes that estate planning involves more than just distributing assets among heirs. It encompasses end-of-life issues, medical decisions, and a thorough understanding of family dynamics. Recently, we navigated a challenging case where a couple was wrestling with allocating their estate between their two children, each facing different family circumstances. This experience has highlighted the significance of custom language and transparent communication in estate planning.

The Uncomfortable Silence: Why People Avoid Estate Plan Discussions

Talking to adult children about an estate plan can be emotionally charged, leading to anxiety, fear, and even guilt. However, avoiding these conversations can stem from various reasons, including fear of conflict among heirs, discomfort discussing death, or the belief that finances are a private matter. A 2018 Wells Fargo study revealed that many aging parents procrastinate such discussions due to a perceived lack of urgency.

Breaking the Silence: The Benefits of Open Communication:

Despite the discomfort, engaging in conversations about estate planning brings forth several advantages. According to a 2018 Ameriprise Financial study, those who frequently discussed long-term financial goals, retirement planning, and inheritance or estate planning felt more confident about their family's financial future.

1. Explaining Motivations: Clear communication allows you to elucidate decisions that may seem unconventional, such as distributing your estate unevenly among children. Providing context for your choices can prevent future conflicts among heirs and foster understanding.

2. Understanding Children's Needs: Initiating conversations can reveal the true needs and desires of your children or heirs, ensuring that your estate and end-of-life decisions align with their expectations and aspirations.

3. Preparing for End-of-Life Expectations: Openly discussing possible end-of-life care and financial provisions prepares your children for the responsibilities they may face. Accurate information can help them plan for the future and alleviate potential financial and emotional burdens.

4. Coordinating with Children's Estate Planning: Understanding your children's financial and estate planning allows for coordination, helping them make informed decisions about their own finances and ensuring a harmonious transition of assets.

5. Easing the Burden on Loved Ones: While the decision to discuss estate plans is personal, sharing essential information such as contact details and document locations empowers your loved ones to navigate the administrative aspects of your passing with ease.


At Hunsberger Dunn LLP, we advocate for open communication in estate planning to create legacies that reflect individual choices while fostering family harmony. Our experience with diverse cases reinforces the importance of custom language and thoughtful discussions. By breaking the silence surrounding estate planning, families can navigate the complexities with clarity, understanding, and the assurance that their legacy reflects their true intentions.

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